Starting an Exercise Program

iStock_000010101427Small1-e1275420223847-300x200When you start an exercise program it’s important to create a foundation for your future success. It’s very easy to sit and think that you are going to start working out and get in great shape, but when you get down to it, there are going to be many challenges you have to face once you get into the process. Whenever you create a change in your life (sedentary to active) there is going to be challenges to work through. Some of the challenges will be easy and others are going to test you to your core, and setting a solid foundation is going to help you to work through these challenges and achieve the results you desire.

There are three things I am going to talk about to set a solid foundation- set a goal, develop the right mindset, and plan.

Setting a goal is very important because it lets you know where you’re going. When I sit down with clients for the first time, I always ask them what their goal is. If they don’t have a goal, I help them come up with one. Your goal should be based on what you want. This can be very challenging and you may have to put some thought into it. Base your goal on the positive benefits of how an exercise program can and will improve your life. Then, write you goal down on paper. This is the first step in building a solid foundation.

After you set your goal, your next focus is going to be to develop the right mindset. I feel that this is the most important step in creating any successful change in your life. Developing the right mindset is about being positive and staying focused on your goal, and also being aware of your habits that will negatively affect what you are trying to accomplish. Your mind is what determines your actions. So when you are developing the right mindset, you are feeding your mind the things that will lead to you to your goal.

The final step is to plan your workouts. Every night plan when you are going to work out the following day and put it on paper. When you do this you are making a personal commitment to yourself and therefore will wake up with the expectation to work out. You will also be training your mind to incorporate exercise into your daily life.

Starting an exercise program is easier said than done. Creating a solid foundation can mean the difference between success and a learning experience (some call failure, I call a learning experience). Make the decision, take action, work hard, and enjoy the process.

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